Election Protection observers needed

Partnering for Election Protection

The NAACP New Bedford Branch is partnering with the Urban League, MassVote and Lawyers for Civil Rights on the 1619 Project, a voter protection campaign to protect the right to vote. The Urban League of Eastern Massachusetts has taken the lead on the project, a coalition of more than 30 Black- and brown-led organizations. It draws on the expertise of MassVote and Lawyers for Civil Rights for field operations, managing a statewide hotline, and watching social media threats.

Massachusetts permits any citizen to be an election observer (“poll watcher”). This year, with the President directing supporters to show up, armed in some cases, at the polls it is crucial that observers be able to watch for potential voter intimidation and other irregularities.

Volunteer to be an election observer

  1. Sign up for an election day observer shift with Lawyers for Civil Rights’ Massachusetts Election Protection: Mobile Field Program
  2. Complete the LCR training
  3. Refer to LCR’s training slides
  4. See the Mass FAQ
  5. Before you work you observer shift, email us to make an appointment to pick up your volunteer T-shirt at our office at 95 Cedar Street in New Bedford.


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