NAACP MV Zoom Panel on proposed Police Accountability Legislation

  The Martha’s Vineyard Branch of the NAACP invites you to attend a Zoom Panel on proposed Massachusetts legislation, “An Act to Reform Police Standards and Shift Resources to Build a More Equitable, Fair and Just Commonwealth That Values Black Lives and Communities of Color,” to be held on Monday, August 17, 2020, from 6:30PM to 8:00 PM. The panelists are as follows: Beverly Williams, Co-Chair of the Greater Boston Interfaith Organization LaSella Hall, Ph.D., NAACP New England Area Conference Youth and College Advisor President of the New Bedford Branch of the NAACP Rev. Dr. Ray Hammond, Pastor Bethel AME...

New Crisis Magazine digital edition

The Crisis Magazine July 2020 digital edition has been published. African Americans are dealing with two deadly pandemics — the underlying condition of racism and the Coronavirus (COVID-19). The worldwide protests in support of the Movement for Black Lives also underscored the disproportionate impact of the Coronavirus on the Black community. The NAACP's message was clear: We Are Done Dying. The new digital issue features interactive videos and includes stories on the worldwide protests for Black Lives. We feature NEXTGEN graduates Leslie Redmond and James "Major" Woodall on the Publisher's Page. Their leadership in this moment in time in our...

New Bedford to honor life and legacy of Congressman John Lewis

A FIERCE AND TIRELESS LEADER WHO DEDICATED HIS LIFE TO FIGHTING FOR RACIAL JUSTICE AND EQUALITY. Wednesday, August 5, 2020 6:00-7:00PM City Hall Plaza, 133 William Street The City of New Bedford will honor the life and legacy of the late Congressman John Lewis, the noted civil rights advocate and longtime member of Congress who died on July 17, having dedicated his life to the fight for equality and justice. The Human Relations Commission has organized a memorial celebration remembering John Lewis, to be held Wednesday, August 5 at 6:00 p.m. The event will be held outdoors in front of...

Forum on Statewide legislation and the Dartmouth Mascot

On Tuesday, July 28, 2020 at 7:00pm the NAACP New Bedford Branch, The New Bedford Immigrant Support Network, local organizations, and community members met via Zoom for a discussion and forum on MA Statewide Legislation and the Dartmouth H.S. Indian mascot. Joining the discussion were: Jean-Luc Pierite, President, Board of Directors, North American Indian Center of Boston; Laurel Davis-Delano, an expert on the damage mascots do to Native children; and Shannon Jenkins, of the Dartmouth School Committee.

Massachusetts House Police Accountability Bill Fails Black Lives and the Commonwealth

PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: LaSella L. Hall, Ph.D.: (404) 422-2543 Date: July 13, 2020 -- 8:30 a.m. Massachusetts House Police Accountability Bill Fails Black Lives and the Commonwealth NEW BEDFORD -- "The Massachusetts House of Representatives took a reasonably thoughtful Senate reform bill and removed the crucial aspects for police accountability," said Dr. LaSella L. Hall, President of the NAACP New Bedford Branch. He continued, "H.4860, the House version of the bill passed by the Senate, is a disappointment that can only be salvaged with numerous amendments and, in its present version, clearly does not value highly the Black lives and communities of color...

Urgent call to support MA Indigenous Civil Rights bills

NAACP New Bedford Family, I'm writing to you to seek your support for three important Indigenous civil rights bills that are before the Massachusetts State Legislature and need to be voted on before the end of July. The three bills seek to ban Native American sports mascots, redesign the racist Massachusetts state flag and seal, and protect Native American heritage (more details below my signature). I know that you and your organization will understand the urgent need to address racial justice issues and symbols of white supremacy now. Here are two steps we are asking you to take: Please go...

Globe article: Renewed calls for investigation of Gracia killing

Eight years after police fatally shot a Black teenager, renewed calls for an investigation by Shelley Murphy Globe Staff, July 18, 2020 (excerpted) Eight years later, his death is drawing renewed attention as protesters outraged by the killings of George Floyd and other Black men and women call for sweeping police reforms and racial justice. In New Bedford, a city that has long struggled with gang violence, community activists and the NAACP are calling for a fresh look at Gracia’s shooting and the police practices that led to the deadly encounter. LaSella Hall, president of the NAACP’s New Bedford branch,...

Honoring two Civil Rights legends

With a heavy heart, we honor two civil rights legends today. Civil rights icon and 17-term Georgia congressman Rep. John Lewis has died at the age of 80. Representative Lewis was a leader of the civil rights movement, champion of peaceful resistance, and a leading voice across America for over 30 years. Civil rights veteran, Rev. C.T. Vivian has died at the age of 95. An associate of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., in 1965 he was beaten by a segregationist sheriff in Selma while trying to register Black voters - a moment that helped spark the march that pressured...

Massachusetts Association of School Committees weighing support for anti-racism resolution

But will school districts actually vote for it? The Massachusetts Association of School Committees (MASC) Board of Directors has recommended two resolutions to be forwarded to its Resolutions Committee for consideration by the organization's membership. The resolutions address funding for COVID-19 related expenses, and ask member School Committees to to commit to change on issues of racism, equity, and diversity that have finally seized the nation's attention. The resolutions will eventually be considered by MASC's 2020 Delegate Assembly this Fall (last year's Assembly took place on November 8th). This is the wording of the anti-racism language in the MASC resolution:...