MOU Commission Teach-In

The policing reform bill created a permanent Commission to create a model Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between schools and police departments that have assigned school police (aka SROs).

CfJJ and MHLAC were appointed to the Commission by statute and their respective executive directors are full voting members. These two organizations want to make sure that the perspectives and experiences of community members and advocates, who know first-hand how police in schools operate, are centered in the decision making on the MOU document, which will govern how police behave in schools and provide a basis for further grass-roots advocacy.

Therefore, CfJJ and MHLAC are partnering on a teach-in scheduled for June 16th from 4pm to 6pm. It is intended to mobilize and engage individuals and groups to participate in Commission proceedings by taking advantage of various opportunities for public input. The goal is to equip you with tools to strategically influence the commission’s legally-binding decisions based on your priorities and experiences:

  • Advancing a vision of police-free schools through the MOU process and its limitations
  • Understanding and targeting key components of the MOU for support and opposition
  • Developing consensus recommendations or priority areas of advocacy
  • Options for individual, grassroots and organizational influence on the MOU Commission.

Who is this open to?

  • students, parents, educators, and advocates/attorneys active on issues of policing in schools
  • we expect attendees to range from folks who want to limit the power and role of police in schools to those who want to abolish all policing in schools, and we expect that attendees respect that range

Join Us! Register here. For more information, please contact Sana ( or Matt Cregor (

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