Vaccine Equity Now!

COVID-19 vaccination (2020) by U.S. Secretary of Defense, CC by 2.0

The Vaccine Equity Now! Coalition — a newly formed coalition of 11 civil rights, immigrant justice, and public health organizations — is sounding the alarm to call attention to the dramatic racial inequities in the vaccine rollout in Massachusetts and to advocate for real solutions.

Now, we need your help! We will need a tidal wave of support to convince Governor Baker and his administration to change course and put equity at the center of the roll-out. Please help us reach 10,000 signatures in the next 10 days!

Here’s how you can help:

  1. Sign our petition to Governor Baker, asking him to prioritize equity in the vaccine rollout.
  2. Send an email blast to your lists! Click here for a template email blast to send to your networks.
  3. Amplify on social media! Use this social media toolkit to activate your networks.

The Vaccine Equity Now! Coalition issued five demands to Governor Baker, which include:

  1. Direct $10 million to trusted community organizations for outreach & engagement in communities of color,
  2. Immediately implement the promised 20% additional vaccine doses for the most impacted communities,
  3. Set clear goals & track vaccine benchmarks that mirror the disproportionate impact on Black and Latinx residents,
  4. Improve language access & cultural competence across all vaccine outreach, and
  5. Appoint a Vaccine Czar with authority & accountability to address vaccine inequities.

A Spanish translation of the coalition’s five demands can be found here. To view a recording of the Vaccine Equity Now! Coalition’s 2.17 launch event, click here.

Thank you for taking action and for your continued partnership and support. Together, we are changing the conversation and advancing equity in the Commonwealth.

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