New Bedford Branch joins calls to end Bristol County jail’s cooperation with ICE

In coalition with 17 organizations including the NAACP New Bedford Branch, Bristol County for Correctional Justice sent a letter to Senators Elizabeth Warren and Ed Markey, urging the leaders to end the County’s cooperation with ICE:

Dear Senator Warren and Senator Markey:

In view of the ever-increasing and documented reports of mistreatment of ICE detainees in the custody of the Bristol County Immigration Facility, we, the undersigned organizations, community groups, and individuals of Southeast Massachusetts and beyond, implore you to take immediate action to contact the Department of Homeland Security and request that I.C.E. sever all ties with Sheriff Thomas Hodgson.

As you undoubtedly are aware, Attorney General Healey expressed the same sentiment for disconnection of Sheriff Hodgson from ICE after concluding a nine month exhaustive investigation into the events of May 1, 2020 at the Carlos Carreiro Immigration Center at the Bristol County House of Correction.

In the weeks leading up to May 1, 2020 Lawyers for Civil Rights, in conjunction with other advocacy groups, filed suit in the Federal District Court in Boston, requesting the release of many of the immigrant detainees at the BCHOC because of their fear of getting Covid. This fear stemmed from unsafe health practices and extreme overcrowding. This petition contained affidavits of detainees, family members of detainees, lawyers, and doctors, describing in vivid detail the conditions experienced by the incarcerated immigrants during the onset of the Coronavirus Pandemic.

When you add to this accumulated evidence and substantiated allegations that the Massachusetts Senate determined that Sheriff Hodgson violated the law when a State Senator was denied access to the Immigration facility on May 2nd, it behooves our elected representatives to bring the full weight of their office to protect those who are incarcerated in our state from injustices and injuries inflicted upon them.

We look forward to hearing from you regarding the action you will take to remedy the situation and demonstrate Massachusetts’ dedication to protect all people within our borders.

Respectfully yours,
[Submitted on behalf of:]
Bristol County for Correctional Justice
Business Innovation Center
Centro Communitario de Trabajadores
Coalition for Social Justice
Community Economic Development Center
Dartmouth Democratic Town Committee
Greater Southeastern Mass Labor Council
Jewish Activists for Immigration Justice of Western Mass.
Mansfield Democratic Town Committee
Marching Forward
Movimiento Cosecha New Bedford
New Bedford Branch of the N.A.A.C.P.
New Bedford Democratic City Committee
New Bedford Immigrant Support Network
Reverend James Hornsby, Rector Emeritus, St. Luke’s Church, Fall River
Somerset Democratic Town Committee
United Interfaith Action of Southeastern Mass.

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