NEAC Policing Advocacy Issues

Today we received the following note from Juan M. Cofield, President, NAACP-New England Area Conference, regarding policing policies and re-imagining policing. The note also references a policy document that can be downloaded from our website. NEAC Family, NEAC members and the Executive Committee have gone through a process to address urgent policing issues our communities are facing. The process included significant discussion by NEAC members, which resulted in recommendations to the Executive Committee. With some tweaking and minor changes, the recommendations were adopted. The adopted policing policies provide guidelines for NEAC and our Branches to address. Some relate solely to...

Extend the Moratorium on Evictions and Foreclosures

The Eviction and Foreclosure Moratorium ends August 18. But unemployment due to COVID-19 will unfortunately continue into the Fall and Winter for many hundreds of thousands of families. The NAACP New Bedford Branch is supporting Massachusetts House and Senate Legislation "An Act to Guarantee Housing Stability during the COVID-19 Emergency & Recovery" (HD.5166 / SD.2992). These bills protect tenants, assist homeowners, and stabilize landlords. Organizations — add your support here: Individuals - add your support here: An Act to Guarantee Housing Stability during the COVID-19 Emergency and Recovery meets the challenge of this moment, ensuring housing stability by:...

Community Foundation Virtual Tour

On June 30th John Vasconcellos of the Community Foundation of Southern Massachusetts conducted a Virtual Tour of Community Partnerships via Zoom. First "stop" on Vasconcellos' tour was to talk about Food Security with community partners Coastal Food Shed, Destination Soup, and Tia Maria. Second stop was to talk with partners in workforce development Merrow Manufacturing, United Neighbors of Fall River, and SER Jobs for Progress. Then the conversation turned toward organizations in the SouthCoast working to illuminate and fight racism. A combination of a global pandemic and a rash of police murders has illuminated the realities of our society in...